Benefit Plan Statistics for 2023
Item 20232022
Employee Benefit Plan Limits
Wage Base $160,200)$147,000)
Defined Benefit Plan Dollar Limit $265,000)$245,000)
Defined Contribution Plan Annual Additions Dollar Limit $66,000)$61,000)
Qualified Plans Compensation Limit $330,000)$305,000)
401(k) Elective Deferral & 403(b) Salary Reduction Limits, and 457 Plan Deferral Limit $22,500)$20,500)
Elective Contributions to SIMPLE Plans $15,500)$14,000)
Highly Compensated Employee Pay Threshold $150,000)$135,000)
Catch-up (age 50 or older) Contribution Limit for 401(k), 403(b), 457, and SARSEP Plans $7,500)$6,500)
The chart reflects the cost-of-living adjustments for 2023.
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